• Articole psi

    Ghosts in the family’s history. Approach through psychodrama

    by Catalina Hetel The family’s history and the links between her member are always describing a living story, who has a frame only in the real context of the concrete, well known events, but also into the strange frame of life and death, unknown, build by people who once existed or by the one’s never born, even they are more alive than the others. Missing persons, gone without ever coming back and without any news about their lives or deaths, aborted brothers, suicidal, they are living in the family’s history without a real, concrete or clear existence, they are characters appearing and creating strong links within a family, they are…

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  • Articole psi

    Fantome in istoria familiei

    Abordarea traumei prin psihodrama Istoria unei familii si legaturile dintre membrii acesteia descriu o poveste vie, care prinde contur pe de o parte in decorul real al evenimentelor concrete, cunoscute dar si intr-un decor straniu al vietii si al mortii, un decor nedefinit, jalonat de oameni care au trait cu adevarat sau care nu s-au nascut poate niciodata, chiar daca sunt mai vii decat nascutii. Persoane disparute, frati avortati, sinucigasi, plecati fara intoarcere si fara certitudinea ca sunt vii sau morti, fiinte care exista in istoria familiei fara insa a avea o existenta reala, concreta sau o istorie clara sunt personaje care apar si creaza legaturi trainice cu membrii unei…